Hello dear readers! Let me just start off by saying it's been an awesome weekend!
I got the privilege to go to work day on Saturday, where Malinda and I had to clean the man cave! ick! Although the pigsty was... interesting...I had fun with my Malinda.
The work day ended early due to the fact that there was a memorial service for Pastor Craig's son, Jonny Wrench, which I heard was beautiful. I am quite new to the church and never got to meet him, but it was a very somber, melancholy feeling. Prayers for the friends and family are greatly appreciated.
After the short work day, I got to take a quick nap and then continue onto a work night! The church I used to attend had a youth auction (where the sell of youth to the highest bidder to assist them in any way possible) to raise money for an upcoming youth convention. I went to help decorate.
It was quite nice to see familiar faces. I hadn't seen most of them in a little over a month, and the warm hugs of old friends were wonderful as I went from person to person. Later that night my friend Lesia and I proceeded to bake A LOT of orange pineapple cupcakes with coconut shaving on the icing for a bake sale they were planning along with the auction. It was a long, messy, rewarding night with yet another amazing friend.
Then my weekend only got better as I went to church and rehearsal. A lot of people in the church are hurting from the loss of a good man and friend, but the love and comfort within the church congregation was beyond evident, and extremely beautiful and heartwarming.
and so much was done in rehearsal! I'm beginning to love this show more and more (despite the very Disney parade like music).
I know I've described a lot of wonderful occurrences, but the part that truly made my weekend, was Sunday night after rehearsal. A bunch of us went to Ryan and Sara's house for dinner, music, and a movie. Apparently it's a ongoing thing, but it was my first time hanging out with my masquer friends after a rehearsal (aside from Will and Leah) and it was amazing.
Leah and I brought our basses with the thought of playing with Ryan and/or Sara, Darrell brought out his violin, and a guitar similar to mine at home was passed around as we played our randomness with laughter and voices filling the house as people moved from topic to topic. From sharing stories to cheesy youtube videos, it was fellowship at it's greatest.
I love this group of people and their awesomeness! I'm going to brag and say I have some of the best friends God can provide. And I get a small thrill everytime I get a chance to get to know them more. I am blessed.
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